Our members’ ancestors (the head priestesses, high priestesses, and affiliated priestesses, including our great-great-grandmothers and great-grandmothers) chose to join European esoteric sects as refuge from the persecution, oppression, assaults, and rapes that came with the Meiji era’s (明治時代) ban on shrine maidens (巫女禁断令), and many of the founding members are ones of the so-called “employment ice age generation (就職氷河期世代)”. For this reason, we are researching the merits and demerits of human (especially female and shrine maidens) communities (religion, labor) and secret societies, as well as faith, devotion, and blind faith itselves.
Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome (Greco-Roman world), Mystery religions (Eleusinian Mysteries, Orphism, Mithraism, Pythagorean Order)
Western magical societies, mystical cults, ancient and medieval collectivism, esotericism (Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Argenteum Astrum (A∴A∴), Ordo Templi Orientis, Rosenkreuzer (Rosicrucianism), Gnosticism, Sufism, Theosophy, other esotericism, Kabbala, Christian mysticism, spiritualism, The Society for Psychical Research, automatic writing, Thelema, satanism, hypnotism, sex magic, neo-tantra, Celtic hobby, Druids (exploring the possibility of later creation), Freemasonry, Amish, Eschatology, Millenarianism)
Aleister Crowley, Oliver Lodge, John Ruskin, William Morris, Effie Gray, Lewis Carroll, Alice Liddell, Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, Elizabeth Siddal, William Butler Yeats, other Victorian and British mysticism Mystics, secret societies, and fantasy art
Eliphas Levi, Erik Satie, and other German, French, and continental mystics, secret societies, and fantasy art
Influence of Western magic and communication techniques on Japanese spiritualism writers and artists such as Kawabata Yasunari
Occultism, New Age, Theosophical Society, Neo-Theosophy, negative legacies of occult research and the rampage of cults (mass suicide incident by the Peoples Temple, mass suicide incident by the order of the Solar Temple, the Heaven’s Gate incident, Scientology, and a series of incidents led and involved by Aum Shinrikyo (オウム真理教)), distortion and fabrication of history, tradition, ancient Shinto, and dogma (Japanese Kokugaku (国学) scholars, the Meiji era ban on shrine maidens (巫女禁断令), the ban on Onmyodo (陰陽道禁止令), and the ban on Shugendo (修験道禁止令), the Association of Shinto Shrines (神社本庁), Japan Conference (日本会議), the Shinto Political League (神道政治連盟), distorted paganism, occult hobbies, ancient civilizations, false history, etc.), cognitive distortion, memory distortion, and false memories of victims of sex, abuse, and bullying
Areas off-limits to men (such as Kibi’s (吉備) Miko (maiden) Shinto (our own secret rites and sacred places), sororities at universities in the UK, US and Canada, etc.)
Areas where women are not allowed (such as the Monastic Community of Mount Athos, fraternities at universities in the UK, US and Canada, etc.)
In our organization, no members other than Iwasaki, a male member, have the authority to communicate with the Monastic Community of Mount Athos (which, due to the current trend, means communication in practice including email and Zoom). We are currently looking into educating a male successor.
※ アトス自治修道士共和国との最終的な交信(昨今は時代の流れもあり、事実上交流(電子メール、Zoom含む)のこと)権限は、当団では男性メンバーの岩崎以外の女性は持っておりません。後継男性の教育を模索しています。
Third gender, LGBTQ, sworn virginity/chastity declaration (burrnesha, etc.)
Ancient and medieval art revivalism, Viking arts, Neo-Classicism, Romanticism, Symbolism and the Gothic Revival (Neo-Gothic)
The British art critic and social activist John Ruskin and William Morris, and Utopianism, collectivism, and philanthropy associated with them (interactions and participation with The Guild of St George, The Ruskin Museum & Research Centre in Lancaster University, The Ruskin Library of Tokyo, The Ruskin Society of Tokyo, The Ruskin & Morris Center of Osaka, and Studio-L Inc.)
Charitable organizations derived from Freemasonry, Jewish secret societies, etc. (Rotary Club, Lions Club, Illuminati, Kibbutz)
Junichi Iwasaki, a male member of our group, served as Secretary General of The Ruskin Library of Tokyo for about 15 years until December 2023. He also temporarily served as an advisor to The Ruskin & Morris Center of Osaka. He currently serves as an auditor for The Ruskin Society of Tokyo. These are mainly related to the corporate organization management of the General Incorporated Foundation under Japanese law and library management. For smoother communication about these purely academic and educational research elements, please contact Iwasaki Junichi Academic Institute, which is in charge of legal procedures and library system operations. Cross-cultural Communication Region has been established as a research division in these fields. Iwasaki has also worked as a ghostwriter for Rotary Club members writing speeches in their clubs, with the aim of delving into the true nature of Freemasonry.
※ 当団の男性メンバーの岩崎純一は、およそ15年にわたり2023年12月まで一般財団法人ラスキン文庫事務局長の職にあり、また、一時は大阪ラスキン・モリスセンターの助言役を務め、現在も東京ラスキン協会監事の職にあります。これらは、主に日本法における一般財団法人の法人組織運営と図書館運営に関わるもので、これらの純学術上・教育研究上の要素については、法的手続きおよび図書館システムの業務を受任している岩崎純一学術研究所に直接お問い合わせいただくとスムーズです。この側面での研究部門として、国際文化交流リージョンが設けられています。岩崎は、ロータリークラブ会員のクラブにおける講演原稿の代理執筆(ゴーストライター)も経験しておりますが、これはフリーメイソンの実態の詮索を目的としたものです。

The fusion of classical music and heavy metal (Gothic metal, Doom metal, Symphonic metal, Metal opera, Traditional music)