As activities of shrine maidens (shamans) of ancient Japanese Shinto, we have formed the inter-sectarian priestess group, Miko Shinto Kibi-ha (巫女神道吉備派).
Originally, shamanism was a comprehensive artistic form of incantation and magic that widely involved animism and totemism, and placed great importance on female lineage. The representative of virgins (sacrifices) is called “巫女頭 (みこがしら)” (the head shrine maiden, Mikogashira) in the Kokurozumi school of Shinto rituals (古黒住流神事秘法), “chief virgin priestess (translated as “処女神官長”)” as the official position in ancient Rome, and in the Ryukyu (琉球), they correspond to both the head of official maiden Noro (ノロ) and private maiden Yuta (ユタ). Real Shamanism is a ritual in which the head shrine maiden and the shrine maidens who support the head intentionally induce a mixed state of what is now called conversion disorder, dissociative disorder, PTSD, acute stress disorder, and sexual climax, and then suffer or go into ecstasy vicariously (as an intermediary between the world of gods and the world of humans without distinction), and another maiden or male adept (男巫 (おかんなぎ)) judges (Saniwa (審神者・さにわ)) whether it is fiction or not. “An arrow with a white feather pierces someone. (白羽の矢が立つ)” is thought to mean a girl to be sacrificed, but we assume it means being selected as an excellent maiden. In Kibi (吉備), place names and surnames such as “真庭 (Maniwa)”, “神庭 (Kamniwa, Kamba)”, and “大庭 (Oniwa, Oba)” remain, and this “niwa” has the same origin as “Saniwa” and means a place where Shinto judgments are correctly made (the garden of the gods). In other words, the entire Japanese archipelago and islands should have been originally “Saniwa” or “まほらば (Mahoraba (holy beautiful place))”. In addition, cases where the same person plays all the roles from the possessed shaman to the saniwa are seen in new religious cults and sects, but from the perspective of ancient Shinto, this is not recognized as legitimate.
In fact, even Hakke Shinto (伯家神道), which was said to be the Emperor’s family Shinto in Japan, maintained the femininity of Shinto since ancient times. Although this was transmitted to Kibi (吉備) and Izumo (出雲) Shinto, it was banned in modern times by the Sacchodohi government (薩長土肥政権), and histories and traces of Kibi and Izumo were removed from the Imperial Palace (宮城, kyujo), and eventually the Association of Shinto Shrines (神社本庁) was established and brought most of the shrines in the country under its control. Therefore, emperors after Emperor Taisho (大正天皇) have not inherited the shamanistic ancient Shinto. As for us, we have inherited the school of Kibi’s Takahama Kiyoshichiro (高浜清七郎), who was secretly loved by Emperors Komei (孝明天皇) and Meiji (明治天皇), and we practice secret rituals in accordance with Nakayama Taro’s (中山太郎) “日本巫女史 (History of Japanese Maidens)”, Origuchi Shinobu’s (折口信夫) Shinto theory, and the Esoteric Shinto and Shinto Spiritualism studies of Yamaguchi (山口)-Sanyo (山陽)-Kibi (吉備) region.
In addition, our family history and traditions have led to the historical theories that the Kibi Tsukuriyama Kofun Tumulus (造山古墳) existed before the ones of Emperor Ojin (応神天皇陵) and Emperor Nintoku (仁徳天皇陵), and that Kibi was the capital of Japan during the Asuka period (飛鳥時代). These are not products of fantasy, but are advocated as historical facts derived from Shinto history and local history, and they have been rapidly proven to be true since around 2020.
↓Kibi Physiolatry Shinto Priestess Team (Miko Shinto Kibiha) (巫女神道吉備派)

↓Miko Shinto Kibiha is also the main activity of Kibi branch of Iwasaki Jun-ichi Academic Institute (IJAI) which is institute of our member Iwasaki.

↓Most of our members are also ones of Iwasaki Jun-ichi Academic Institute (IJAI) and have formed Women’s Sector (IJAIWomen).